Monday, October 11, 2010

happy little ice creams

I'm going to file this blog under the category of "everything in moderation," just to make it theme appropriate, but really I'm just so excited about this that I wanted to share.

I had a "BOGO" coupon for Dairy Queen that expires in a couple days and I didn't want it to go to waste (hello!), so I decided to treat myself to a study break ice cream treat this evening. But instead of getting my usual "Mini" Blizzard (LOVE them for coming out with a smaller size) I got the biggest my coupon would allow...16oz...and another one free! Now for anyone who has gone to Dairy Queen with me knows, I can't even finish a Mini in one sitting, much less a 16oz (or two), so I ran home with my booty of ice cream, dug out a bunch of teeny tupperware containers and separated them into eight 1/2 cup servings...ate one immediately of course, and put away the rest. Ice cream for a week!!

What flavors you ask? Pumpkin Pie and French Silk Pie! (And honestly...this serving size is plenty.)