Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i'm baaaack

Hello blog! It’s been months! You look good…haven’t changed a bit. er, I guess that’s my fault…

It’s been a while since I’ve come across something new and exciting that I felt compelled to share. My trash reduction habits are still going strong, though I haven’t expanded my efforts (however I did just offer to take home compostable food scraps from my food lab, but that might be more under the category of professor butt-kissing than world saving, but whatever…still reducing trash no matter what the motivation.) My fitness efforts are in the pooper right now! This hot (hot hot) summer and crazy work and school schedule made working out my last priority, (and I’m paying for it now!) I have been taking 3.5 mile walks now that the evenings are cooler and am trying to fit gym visits back into my schedule (and back into my mentality...a ha! The REAL challenge!) It’s a work in progress, as I fear it will be FOR-E-VER.

But I think I might actually have something to write about again! As most of my readers know (since my readers are family and close friends), I have ditched my job and am in school full time as a Dietetics student. Before starting school I had a basic knowledge of nutrition. I’m not sure I’d make that claim if it wasn’t for the fact that I am repeatedly appalled by the lack of knowledge much of America seems to have when it comes to healthy habits. Admittedly I base this statement on the media portrayal of our fat nation and not on any research. Of course shows like the Biggest Loser focus on the unhealthy habits of the contestants. Some of them know better, but still choose unhealthy options because they taste better or are more convenient. Some actually have no idea what foods they should be choosing and see no problem with the fact that their food choices all share the same color…beige. I also personally know people who are at a good weight and look perfectly healthy but make horribly unhealthy choices and don’t think twice about the nutrients their bodies are lacking. This is an important point of which I have to keep reminding myself…nutrition isn’t only about weight! That might be what prompted me to be interested in the field, but it’s only a small part of it! Nutrition is the basis of health in general!

Eat a variety of foods in moderation. That’s the Nutrition mantra! There’s no magic bullet for weight loss, and though I will definitely share anything interesting that I learn, that will not be the goal of this blog. Anyone who is reading this already knows the answer. Balance your calorie intake with calorie expenditure. To prevent gradual weight gain over time, make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activity. Did I say something radical there? Nope…we all know this. And though I thought I had a pretty good understanding of nutrition, I’ve already learned so much more in these first three weeks (in introductory classes, mind you), and I want to share some of it! And that’s where the final category of people (not mentioned above) comes in. This is for those of you who have a basic understanding of nutrition, lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle, are interested in maintaining healthy habits, and who wouldn’t mind learning a few new interesting things that I pick up along the way. (Or maybe you just kinda like me and will read this just to humor me.)

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I like you! Happy to have you back in the blogosphere! :)
