Saturday, April 25, 2009

it's all about the beautiful saturdays

I can't imagine that the true meaning of life is getting up every morning and going to work. I like my job well enough but it is by no means my life's passion. If your job is your passion...good for've figured it out! Until my job inspires me I have to look elsewhere for the true joys in life. Family, friends, fresh air.

So far I've had a wonderful Saturday.

My family went to church to commemorate the 40th day after my grandmother's death. After the Mass we presented the priest with embroidered alter coverings that my grandmother commissioned from her family in Ukraine. This is the 4th set that she has donated to the church, and fittingly, the final piece arrived in the mail the day she died. The loyalty she had to her church is probably something I'll never understand, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't damn proud of her today.

I got home and threw on some shorts and a tank top (first time this year, woo hoo), hopped on my bike(beware the dorky picture) and rode to the local "Good Neighbors Garden" to learn some composting tips, so I could properly utilize my new compost bin. I enjoyed the beautiful bike ride, met Trevor, a hippy in a floppy straw hat who gave me some composting tips and a tomato plant to take home, and headed back downtown to sit on the patio at AJ's and have a tall iced tea.

I never did get my iced tea as the only person working at the store was swamped with food orders, and I only enjoyed a few minutes outside before one of today's forecasted scattered thunderstorms rolled in, but I'm just not in the mood to be annoyed today. Now I'm trapped inside until the rain passes but am enjoying the sounds of the others who are also waiting out the rain. I'd still like my iced tea, but I guess if I get to use AJ's wifi w/o buying a beverage I could be ok with that.

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