Monday, February 22, 2010

couch-to-5k ~ week 4

I have a cold, I'm cranky, I'm not going to the gym today. I will probably do a whole lot of laying around today and tomorrow (after I shovel some heavy snow) but as promised, I will post this week's training schedule.

I never got to Day 3 on my week 2 routine (I'm really slacking here!), but I will finish that this week and flow right into Week 3...hopefully getting it all done by week's end. Of course much of this relies on me getting over this cold.

1:00-5:00 - Brisk Walk
5:00-8:00 - Jog (3 Min)
8:00-9:30 - Walk (90 sec)
9:30-14:30 - Jog (5 min)
14:30-16:30 - Walk (2 min)
16:30-19:30 - Jog (3 min)
19:30-21:00 - Walk (90 sec)
21:00-26:00 - Jog (5 min)
26:00-31:00 - Cool Down

1 comment:

  1. Shoveling is great and burns a ton of calories- but if you are old like I am the back might hurt a bit more:0 BTW- I will go with you to Eastern market whenever- it IS truly the best thing around and reminds me of being at school in Upstate NY and of the City. Hubbie hates anything South of 8 mile so it is always a challenge to get him to go:( We can do a lot of walking there to keep the burn on:)Oh- and discount farmer shopping- gotta support our people- but love a great deal when they are trying to get rid of everything at the end of the day! Natalka (Tarnavsky)Ok- I've never blogged???so I don't know how to send this------
